• About Ghost Bull Hunting

    Ghost Bull Hunting was founded in 2018 by Founder Gunnar Allen. We are a small Coastal Oregon  Company located in Astoria, OR...where we get 8 feet (and change) of rain fall annually.

  • Our Mission

    Our mission is to help you stay dry and safe. The other part of our mission is to provide hunters who hunt the tough stuff another option for their gear. We love to help others and to make people happy

    Because to us, Hunting is Life!

  • About Thicket®

    The big companies that make rain gear don't live here or hunt here. We do! We live in the brush and have hunted it our whole lives and we've solved the durable raingear issue.  We've created a Trademarked Camo pattern called Thicket®️, which stands for "In the thick shit" that blends to our cover better than anything on the market and works anywhere you hunt.

  • Invest in You & Your Hunts

    If you are tired of replacing your raingear every other year due to pinholes, punctures and slashes, save yourself the disappointment! "Buy once, cry once" and "You get what you pay for" are standards that we live by. Invest in yourself; invest in your hunt(s) and become part of the Ghost Bull Hunting Family! 

    You've earned it, you're worth it and you deserve the best! Do not fear the storm. Get out of the tent or truck and hunt! Hunting is Life!

Growing up and watching my family's coastal Oregon meadows was like watching the Super Bowl everyday, but a million fold better. From the beast-like Roosies (that's Roosevelt Elk for you newbies) to every other species spotted in the PNW, every day outdoors felt like a gift.

This sacred place was where Ghost Bull Hunting was born.

And what sparked my idea was...

An old set of waders, used specifically for taking care of the farm's waterworks.

  • When I was taking care of the waterworks on our family tree farm, hiking in waders through timber and brush, zipping up blowdown timber with a chainsaw and throwing limbs after a storm, I was doing everything to keep the water flowing. I did this through all seasons and was my job.

  • I was so inspired by those waders (2006), that I wanted to develop  something to keep hunters dry- from the rain and from also getting "sweat wet." It also needed to handle hunting in the "Jungles" of the PNW and that I also needed to come up with a Camo Pattern that actually worked in our Coastal regions!

  • In 2007 a friend came out from Minnesota to hunt Elk and introduced me to new gear made out of technical fabrics, which confirmed my ideation and that I was on the right track. So I bought this gear and abused the hell out of it, just by in how I hunt and where I hunt- the brush! It kept the rain out but didn't breathe, thus I was soaked with sweat. It also failed, losing the fight regarding water tight integrity to the thorny things in the dense PNW brush and leaked. I knew I could do better and the hunt for the perfect materials was on!